Cloud County Genealogical Society
Preserving Our Ancestors' Stories

Over the years, as part of our newsletter, CCSG members have collected, compiles, and indexed the names and dates of marriages in Cloud County. Currently the index covers 1867 to 1899, and contains almost 9,000 names and dates. If you are looking for marriage information for your family research, we would be happy to check the index to confirm the marriage. If needed, we will make a copy of the marriage record for you, or simply provide you with the information from the record for your family tree.
We make regular trips to the courthouse to add to the marriage records for our newsletter so the index will continue to grow.
Several years ago CCGS began to collect information from every cemetery in Cloud County, Kansas, and compiled this information into cemetery books for easier location of family members. We reviewed existing cemetery records and older funeral home records. With this information, numerous volunteers walked each cemetery to confirm these records were accurate. This monumental project produced four cemetery books which have been periodically updated. Each update begins with walking the cemetery to confirm new information.
Death Certificates were NOT REQUIRED by the State of Kansas before July 1911.
If the death occurred after 1911, death certificates may be ordered through the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Please follow the link below to order:
In addition to the burial information, we also have a good collection of death records. The records are copies of information sent to the State of Kansas for death certificates. We do have access to some information on deaths before 1911 and are happy to take a look for your ancestor.